The Nine Styles at Work
You can’t have high performing teams without self-awareness and compassion.
The Enneagram helps provide a framework for personalities at work so you can communicate more effectively and better meet the needs of your staff or co-workers. Our program helps teams not just know their Enneagram types, but learn how to put it into practice.
The nine Enneagram types you’ll meet at work

Type 1: The Perfectionist
Type 2: The Giver
Type 3: The Performer
Type 4: The Romantic
Fours focus on authenticity, meaning, and aesthetics. They value excellence in all things and they want to make a personal connection to their work and to the people around them. Their challenge is to learn to tolerate the mundane aspects of work, to reduce their emotional reactions, and to not take things too personally.
Type 5: The Observer
Fives are excellent thinkers and strategists. They seek to develop technical expertise and accumulate knowledge. They need lots of privacy and autonomy. Their challenge is to be available to other people when possible, to communicate warmth, and to recognize other kinds of human assets besides mental intelligence.
Type 6: The Loyal/Skeptic
Sixes focus on figuring out what’s going on around them to create safety and structure. They are loyal, dependable, and they are especially good at anticipating problems and creating solutions. Their challenge is manage their suspicion and doubt so that it doesn’t de-motivate themselves or other people.
Type 7: The Epicure
Sevens are quick thinking, adaptable, and positive in their outlook. Where other people see problems, they see opportunities. They like to enjoy multiple interests and multiple options. Their challenge is to acknowledge problems and limitations and to bring their attention back to the present and the task at hand.
Type 8: The Protector
Eights are good at taking charge of their environment. They know how to mobilize to get things done. They make good leaders, and they will stand up for the positions and the people they care about. Their challenge is to moderate their forcefulness, to become adaptable in different situations, and to avoid creating unnecessary conflict.
Type 9: The Mediator
Nines are steady and balanced in their approach to work and relationships. They can see all sides of an issue and are able to bring people together in a spirit of cooperation and harmony. Their challenge is to stay focused on the priorities and to stick up for their own position, even if that involves discomfort or conflict.
Improve Your Team's Culture with the Enneagram
Knowing your type or your team member’s types is just the beginning. Knowing how to put that into practice in the workplace so you can better leverage each other’s strengths, increase productivity, and improve culture though empathy and understanding is where the ROI comes into play.
For more information on how to bring the Enneagram to your business, check out our Enneaworkshop designed for business leaders and teams.