The Embodied Enneagram Class Series
Body, breath and emotion & the nine personality types with Peter O'Hanrahan
Hosted by the Narrative Enneagram
The Enneagram is a holistic system which describes how personality and character structure are formed in three centers of intelligence – mind, heart, and body. The Embodied Enneagram Workshop is an opportunity to work with all three centers, combining mindfulness with a body-based (somatic) approach to healing and relationship. By understanding the specific issues and defenses of each personality type we can apply the best methods of psychology and body therapy in a way that is attuned to the individual person.
How can we live fully in each of our three centers and become an integrated human being? In modern culture the mind is emphasized; the body and the emotions are often overlooked or avoided. Many of our physical and emotional patterns were formed early in childhood, before the intellect was fully developed. A body-based approach enables us to contact and work with these patterns which are at the root of our type structure. In this workshop we will use the breath to develop sensory awareness, to relax and open the body, and to contact our emotions. We’ll explore patterns of body armor and resistance to feeling, and find new internal resources that can help us on the path of personal growth.
Topics include
- The somatic structures of the nine personality types and their defenses
- The affect of body type
- Embodiment practice in relationships
- The value of different body therapies and the pioneering work of Wilhelm Reich
The Format
Each class will have a 90 minute presentation with room for questions and comments, followed by 15 minute breakout groups for discussion, and a final 10 minute wrap up. The 90 minute presentation will be recorded and sent to everyone each week. You do not have to be physically present in the class to receive the recordings.
About Peter O'Hanrahan
Peter O’Hanrahan is a leading teacher of the Enneagram with a focus on Subtypes and Somatics. He has practiced counseling and bodywork for 35 years, with extensive training in Reichian and Bioenergetic methods. Peter has taught the Embodied Enneagram workshop in the US, Europe and China. He began his Enneagram studies in 1978, and he is currently an associate trainer and past director for the Palmer/Daniels Enneagram Professional Training Program.
Contact Peter to schedule this workshop designed for your community or group practice. or 510-234-1600

Our personality type is not only in our mind! In this class we will explore the nine character structures and the somatic patterns which shape them.
- Neurobiology and temperament for each type
- Nine somatic structures and the defenses
- Nine types and patterns of body armor: how withheld emotions lead to chronic tension or numbness and restrict our breathing
- Breathing patterns and conscious breathing practice for each type
- How the body types – ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph – influence the personality type
- Non-verbal communication from each enneagram type
Who will benefit
- Students and teachers of the Enneagram will expand their knowledge of the nine types, deepen their personal work and learn body-based practices for healing and growth.
- Therapists and health professionals will learn new methods of working with their clients using a three-centers approach.
Upcoming dates
Online Oct 4-25, 2023
four Weds. 4:30 – 6:30 Pacific
Cost: $165 – includes a digital copy of the Embodied Enneagram handbook
Sponsored by TNE – More info and Registration