Enneagram Trainings, Workshops, and Study Groups

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Upcoming Trainings At-A-Glance

  • Online Study Group – Four Fridays at 6-8pm US Pacific, Jan 24, Feb 7, 28, Mar 14
  • Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram – 3-day intensive in the panel method, Jan 31 to Feb 2
  • Online Embodied Enneagram class – four Tuesdays 4.30-6pm US Pacific, Feb 18 to Mar 11
  • Enneagram Summer School in Nederland, July 9 to 18 in person
  • Narrative Enneagram Podcast with Peter and Jeanette van Stijn

New Study Groups start Jan. 24th

Attachment Styles and the Enneagram

My next Enneagram Study Group is on: 1) how our enneagram type affects our attachment style in relationships and 2) adapting in our relationships: when and how we adapt, when we don’t, and the role of our type structure.

Study groups are part class and part support group. The first hour of each meeting includes a guided inner practice, a presentation, and some brief discussion. (This section will be recorded and made available). The second hour is for personal sharing in the whole group and in breakout groups. This is an ongoing learning community with 2 or 3 series during the year.

You know the enneagram and your type; you are interested in what people of different types have to say; you can share the time; you can make it to most of the meetings.

Four meetings: Fridays 6-8pm US Pacific time – Jan 24, Feb 7, 28, Mar 14 (or Saturdays starting Jan 25 in Singapore and Australia). Registration: reply to this email and I’ll get back to you with registration information. I have to count heads since space is limited. Cost: $180.

Starts Jan. 31st

Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram

I’m co-teaching the Narrative Enneagram’s signature panel workshop. I will be training with my colleague Renee Rosario. Three full days Jan 31 – Feb 2, 8am – 4pm US Pacific time. A great way to learn about the nine types with head, heart and body. High participation in discussions, inner practices, and breakout groups. Everyone is interviewed on the panel of their type.

Learn more and register here.

Starts Feb. 18th

Embodied Enneagram Class

Our personality type is not only in our mind! Join us for a 4-week class focused on body, breath, and emotion for the nine personality types. I will present on the following topics:

  • The neurobiology and temperament for each type; genetics and epigenetics.
  • Nine somatic structures, primary emotional layers, defenses and body armor.
  • Breathing patterns and conscious breathing practices for each type.
  • Non-verbal communication from each enneagram type.

This class is hosted by The Narrative Enneagram school. Everybody will receive a copy of “The Embodied Enneagram” handbook.

Four meetings: Feb 18, 25, Mar 4, 11. Tuesdays, 4.30-6.00pm US Pacific time. Cost: $125 (or $95 for TNE members).

Learn more and register here.

As a core faculty member with the Narrative Enneagram, I teach programs several times per year.

View my upcoming trainings.

In Person Programs

Purple banner for Enneagram Europe Summer School with photos of five featured teachers

Starts July 9th

The Enneagram Summer School in the Netherlands

Continue your enneagram journey with deep learning for personal growth and professional skill. You are invited to join us for an exciting new program, on site at a beautiful retreat center in the Netherlands. Five leading enneagram teachers. Nine 3-day workshops. (Three workshops at a time). You can join us for 3, 6, or 9 days of learning (July 9-18, 2025). 

In the evenings we will have fun with presentations and social gatherings. You will be in good company! If you are living outside Europe you might consider adding on a European holiday while you are here.

The cost for the workshops, room and board, is very reasonable. And during the month of January there is a 25% early bird discount! For full information about the programs, teachers, and accommodations: 

blue and green lines connecting in enneagram shape on white background

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